Frame Building Courses

Build your own bike frame

Can’t seem to find your dream bike?  Why not build it yourself?  I can show you how.   Doesn’t matter if it’s a road bike, tourer, single speed, or mountain bike, with or without lugs.   Before we start we talk about exactly what it is you’d like to build, what is realistic in the framework of the course you’d like to book, and fit the frame geometry to suit your riding style and body size.   Then we start to cut tubes, and brazed them together with a torch.   With the best steel from Columbus and Reynolds, and my know-how, you can do it.  Yes, with me standing behind you, looking over your shoulder, you can actually build your own dream bike.  Step by step as we take the tubes out of the box, and braze them together, piece by piece your dream becomes reality.   A once in a lifetime experience!


Build your road frame in just two days!

Build Your Own Frame.

We offer two basic frame building courses.  In our most popular course you can build a frame without lugs (fillet brazed, 5 Days), and in the second course a frame with lugs (lugged, 5 Days).  In our third course you can build one of each of these types of frames, and in our Beginner 2 Builder course, your three week frame building adventure culminates in a fillet brazed stainless steel frame (Columbus XCR).   Our 30 Day Build & Brand course adds a further 15 days of essential website, branding, marketing, photography, filming, and social media components, with the goal of getting your brand up and running in just 6 weeks.


Frame Building & Essential Skills

Beginner 2 Builder

Master Course in Frame Building

I Just Want My


I Just Want My


I Just Want


Within the framework of these courses, you can build…


Fillet Brazed.


Fillet Brazed.




Fillet Brazed.


Fillet Brazed.


Fillet Brazed.


Fillets and Lugs.


Fillet Brazed.

Your Custom Bike

The frame itself is one-of-a-kind. Fit to you. Just how you want it, nothing more, nothing else. Like no other frame. And you can actually build it yourself, with your own hands. And the feeling to throw you leg over the top tube and pedal away for the very first time? Priceless!

No Rocket Science.

Yes, you’re going to cut steel, learn how to use a file, and a torch, too. But don’t worry. Whether you already have some experience working with your hands, or never even used a drill before, with my tools and experience you can do it. 13 year old 8th graders have done it. So have 74 year old retirees. Why not you?

The Real Steel.

Steel bikes last forever, they are comfortable, and can be recycled. And, they are beautiful. We take advantage of the properties that steel offers: a great ride – how you want it, integrated seat post clamps, stainless derailleur adaptors, lugs with pretty points, and, and, and!

Happy Faces. Beautiful Bikes.

Daniel Helbig.

“Thanks for the awesome week!   The frame building course was awesome, I can’t think of a better way to spend my vacation.   The ‘work’ was really fun and I learned a ton.  I’m really happy with how the frame turned out, and super proud that I actually built it myself.   The geometry fits me perfectly and rides even better than I could have imagined!”

Olaf Kopp.

“Thanks again for the awesome week!  The course was really fun and I am really proud of the frame I built.   I think you are a great teacher.   Always patient, you explained everything really well, and the ‘work’ of building the frame was never really like ‘work’ and I had a great time! :-)”

Wolf Kansteiner.

“Sorry for bothering you with pictures from my bike. I tested it today for the first time and it was fantastic. I usually do not tend to be super-enthusiastic and there were of course some minor issues (like getting the position of the saddle right etc) but this was by far the most convincing test-ride ever. Super stable, yet agile, very direct. I loved every second with it.”

You'd rather buy it than build it?

No Problem!