Frame Building Course Q & A – Michael

Frame Building Course Q & A – Gerald
12. December 2023
Giorgio – Frame Building Course Q & A
12. December 2023
Frame Building Course Q & A – Gerald
12. December 2023
Giorgio – Frame Building Course Q & A
12. December 2023

Hello Michael!

How did you come up with the idea of building your own frame?
I always found myself between two sizes with ready-made bicycle frames, which is how I came up with the idea of ordering a custom frame. During my internet research, I came across Robert’s frame building course. It became clear that the option to build this custom frame myself was even better for me. I am extremely pleased to build it with the features I wanted.

Why did you choose this frame? What do you plan to do with it?
I wanted a lightweight steel frame because the riding experience of such a frame is very pleasant for me, harmoniously damped and not as stiff as, for example, aluminum. The resulting bike is meant to be ridden on roads and dirt paths, so a gravel bike without use on rough trails.

What is special to you about your self-built frame?
The frame is lightweight and designed to fit my body measurements exactly with a flat bar. This allowed me to use a mountain bike drivetrain during the build, so this bike can also perform optimally on hills and tackle steep climbs on dirt paths.

How was your time in the frame building course?
I really enjoyed the week. I learned a lot. Robert had an overview and always kept an eye on my activities. At crucial points, he helped me with important advice and made the frame possible in the form I wanted. We had a great atmosphere and always a filled coffee cup. The week was a fantastic experience.

How does your finished bike ride?
The bike rides very quickly and actively, but is also pleasantly dampened over uneven surfaces.

For more info about our frame building courses:

Robert Piontek
Yes thats me - Doktor der Astrophysik / Verkauf / Marketing / Web Design / Rahmenbauer / Künstler / Visionär / Test Pilot / Team Rider

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